Sri Lanka's west coast was devastated by the tsunami, with treetops and toppled vehicles visible amidst the flood waters. (The Associated Press/Gemunu Amarasinghe)

Sri Lanka's west coast was devastated by the tsunami, with treetops and toppled vehicles visible amidst the flood waters. (The Associated Press/Gemunu Amarasinghe)

Sue Mor Ben Zvi is backpacking in Sri Lanka when the tsunami reaches the coast and sweeps her away. After narrowly escaping with her life, she tries to make contact with her mother in Israel, hoping against hope that she can reach her even though all lines of communication have been knocked down. "Tsunami: Race Against Time" tells the definitive story of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami - the deadliest in history. As the wave hits Sri Lanka, more than 1000 miles from the earthquake?s epicenter, it topples a packed train and levels coastal towns and cities. (National Geographic/James Parris)

Overturned buses and debris are scattered at the Galle bus station in Galle, Sri Lanka. When a crowded train was hit by the tsunami, the force of the water knocked the train off its rails in what became the deadliest train disaster in history. (The Associated Press/Eranga Jayawardena)

A survivor clears a piece of debris from a destroyed building after the Tsunami devastated the area in Sri Lanka. (The Associated Press/Ed Wray)

Destroyed houses and scattered debris are seen from above after the tsunami hit Sri Lanka's west coast. (The Associated Press/Vincent Thian)

CNN's New Delhi Bureau Chief Satinder Bindra is on holiday in Colombo, Sri Lanka when the tsunami hits. He quickly cancels his holiday to begin reporting on the true scale of the disaster, knowing he is about to embark on the most challenging news story of his career. (National Geographic)

The tsunami flooded sea-front houses destroying everything in its path in Maddampegama, Sri Lanka. (The Associated Press/Gemunu Amarasinghe)
Der Tsunami trifft Sri Lanka. Während die Flutwelle eine immer größere Schneise der Verwüstung hinterlässt, verbreitet sich die Nachricht von der
Katastrophe rund um den Globus wie ein Lauffeuer.
Auch Sri Lanka wird mit voller Wucht vom Tsunami getroffen. Mehr als 1.500 Kilometer vom Epizentrum des Erdbebens entfernt, zerstören die Wellen einen Zug und mehrere Küstenstädte. Ärzte kämpfen um jedes Leben, das sie retten können. Während die Katastrophe in den östlichen und westlichen Anrainerstaaten des Indischen Ozeans eine immer größere Schneise der Verwüstung hinterlässt, verbreitet sich die Nachricht vom tödlichen Tsunami rund um den Globus wie ein Lauffeuer. Viele Menschen erhalten durch die Medien die schockierende
Botschaft, dass ihre Angehörigen den Flutwellen zum Opfer fielen.
Am 26.
Dezember 2004 löst ein gewaltiges Erdbeben im Indischen Ozean eine Kaskade von Tsunamiwellen aus. Rund 230.000 Menschen kommen dabei ums Leben. Die Doku-Serie rekonstruiert die Katastrophe.Deutsch/Englisch, [Bild: 16:9 ]
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