H2O Racing: Aquabike World Championship

GP of Indonesia(Runabout & Freestyle)
Season 2024

bis 18:30
  • 20250325180000
VPS 00:00



    After over 85 championships in over 12 countries, the P1 world is fast, and growing. The international motorboat racing competition organised by the Union Internationale Motornautique is the highest class of inshore powerboat racing, proving to be an adrenaline rush for both participants and spectators.The UIM-ABP H20 Racing Aquabike World Championship is the premier international Jet Ski competition that sees elite riders compete on cutting edge equipment in four categories: Runabout, Ski, Ski Ladies and Freestyle.
    The need for speed is demonstrated on this extreme water sport as athletes plough across the water.


    7 weitere Sendetermine

    Top-Spielfilm am 25.03.


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