"The Forever People" -- Coverage of the CBS series CRIMINAL MINDS, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Richard Cartwright/CBS

"The Forever People" -- Coverage of the CBS series CRIMINAL MINDS, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Richard Cartwright/CBS

"The Forever People" -- Coverage of the CBS series CRIMINAL MINDS, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Richard Cartwright/CBS

"The Forever People" -- Coverage of the CBS series CRIMINAL MINDS, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Richard Cartwright/CBS

"The Forever People" -- Coverage of the CBS series CRIMINAL MINDS, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Richard Cartwright/CBS

"The Forever People" -- Coverage of the CBS series CRIMINAL MINDS, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Richard Cartwright/CBS
In Nevada werden im Wasser schwimmende, gefrorene
Leichen gefunden. Die
Ermittlungen des BAU-Teams legen den Verdacht nahe, dass die Opfer
Mitglieder einer Sekte waren.
Schauspieler: Rolle | Special Agent Derek Morgan Special Agent Aaron Hotchner Dr. Spencer Reid David Rossi Jennifer Jareau Penelope Garcia Kate Callahan Colton Grant Tivon Askari |
Regie: | Tawnia McKiernan |
Drehbuch: | Jeff Davis, Breen Frazier |