Sender |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Sparte |
Hauptsender |
Disney Channel |
DO 20.02. |
13:10 |
Tierduell Folge 15(Folge 15) Jojo ist dran mit Raten und Patricia hat sich eine richtig knifflige Frage überlegt: Welches Tier mag es nass, hat kein Hirn, aber dafür einen Schirm? Kein einfaches Rätsel,...Tierduell |
Natur+Reisen / Tiere |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Disney Channel |
FR 21.02. |
13:00 |
Tierduell Folge 16(Folge 16) Während Jojo versucht, Babykätzchen zu dressieren, macht sich Patricia auf die Suche nach dem Lösungstier. Drei Hinweise sollen ihr dabei helfen, aber welches bärtige Tier...Tierduell |
Natur+Reisen / Tiere |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Disney Channel |
FR 21.02. |
13:10 |
Tierduell Folge 17(Folge 17) In dieser Folge stellt Jojo sich seiner größten Angst. Schließlich ist er sich sicher, dass Patricia mit ihrem Rätsel nur das Tier meinen kann, vor dem er sich am meisten...Tierduell |
Natur+Reisen / Tiere |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Disney Channel |
MO 24.02. |
13:00 |
Tierduell Folge 18(Folge 18) Patricia will eigentlich nur in Ruhe mit dem Lama Norbert spazieren gehen, doch Jojo hat anderes für sie im Sinn. Schließlich hat er sich den Kopf nicht umsonst für sein...Tierduell |
Natur+Reisen / Tiere |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Disney Channel |
MO 24.02. |
13:10 |
Tierduell Folge 19(Folge 19) Diesmal versucht Jojo es mit einer anderen Strategie. Da Patricas Tierrätsel mal wieder sehr knifflig ist, verkleidet er sich als Meisterdetektiv Jojo Halms und macht sich so auf...Tierduell |
Natur+Reisen / Tiere |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Disney Channel |
DI 25.02. |
13:00 |
Tierduell Folge 20(Folge 20) Patricia ist sich sicher, dass Jojo ihr Rätsel diesmal nicht lösen wird. Ratefuchs Jojo lässt sich aber nicht einschüchtern. Er ist wild entschlossen das eierlegende Tier mit...Tierduell |
Natur+Reisen / Tiere |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Disney Channel |
DI 25.02. |
13:10 |
Tierduell Folge 21(Folge 21) Jojo ist ganz aufgeregt, denn er möchte einen eigenen Märchenfilm drehen, in dem er selbst die Hauptrolle der Prinzessin spielt. Patricia macht sich derweilen lieber auf die...Tierduell |
Natur+Reisen / Tiere |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Disney Channel |
MI 26.02. |
13:00 |
Tierduell Folge 22(Folge 22) Jojo macht gerade ein Nickerchen, als Patricia ihn mit einem neuen Tierrätsel überrascht. Eigentlich würde er viel lieber schlafen, aber einer Herausforderung von Patricia muss...Tierduell |
Natur+Reisen / Tiere |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Disney Channel |
MI 26.02. |
13:10 |
Tierduell Folge 23(Folge 23) Jojo versucht Patricia einen blauen Schal zu stricken, damit sie damit das gesuchte Tier leichter finden kann. Schließlich soll das Tier nicht nur brummen und Fell haben, sondern...Tierduell |
Natur+Reisen / Tiere |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Disney Channel |
DO 27.02. |
13:00 |
Tierduell Folge 24(Folge 24) Patricia muss diesmal erst einen Berg besteigen, bevor sie Hobbykletterer Jojo das neueste Tierrätsel stellen kann. Oben angekommen, legt sie aber so richtig los: Finde ein Tier...Tierduell |
Natur+Reisen / Tiere |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Disney Channel |
DO 27.02. |
13:10 |
Tierduell Folge 25(Folge 25) Jojo möchte sich als Sheriff versuchen und fordert Patricia zum Duell in einer Westernstadt heraus. Patricia hat aber keine Lust auf Cowboyspiele, sie möchte lieber das neueste...Tierduell |
Natur+Reisen / Tiere |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Disney Channel |
FR 28.02. |
13:00 |
Tierduell Folge 26(Folge 26) Jojo ist sich sicher, dass er der perfekte Förster wäre. Schließlich ist er Tierexperte und kennt sich im Wald richtig gut aus. Patricia ist davon aber nicht so überzeugt und...Tierduell |
Natur+Reisen / Tiere |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Disney Channel |
FR 28.02. |
13:10 |
Tierduell Folge 27(Folge 27) Diesmal tut sich Patricia echt hart mit Jojos neuestem Rätsel. Was soll das für ein kaum sichtbares Tier sein, das kleine Knopfaugen hat und mit Dreck...Tierduell |
Natur+Reisen / Tiere |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
weitere Sender |
Nautical Channel |
DI 04.02. |
08:30 |
Wind Masters Zadar, Nin, Iž, Olib, Silba, Premuda, Molat, Pag Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
DI 04.02. |
16:30 |
Amerikas Nationalparks Channel Islands Vor der südkalifornischen Küste, unweit von Los Angeles liegt der Channel Islands National Park. Auf diesen „Galapagos-Inseln des Nordens“ leben Tiere und Pflanzen, die es...Amerikas Nationalparks |
Natur+Reisen / Natur und Umwelt |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 04.02. |
17:30 |
Wind Masters Zadar, Nin, Iž, Olib, Silba, Premuda, Molat, Pag Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Comedy Central |
DI 04.02. |
17:40 |
South Park Erntedank und Doku-Drama Nach einer Präsentation von einem 1/16-Indianer namens David Running Horse Sewitski müssen Stan, Kyle, Cartman und Kenny einen Vortrag über Thanksgiving erstellen. Die Gruppe...South Park |
Serie / Zeichentrickserie |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 04.02. |
20:00 |
Transat Panerai Classique World Champion Kitesurfer and Nautical Channel host, Bruno Sroka travels to Martinique to welcome the gems of the sea from their Atlantic crossing. The Transat Panerai Classique...Transat Panerai Classique |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 05.02. |
01:30 |
Wind Masters Zadar, Nin, Iž, Olib, Silba, Premuda, Molat, Pag Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
MI 05.02. |
03:05 |
Amerikas Nationalparks Channel Islands Vor der südkalifornischen Küste, unweit von Los Angeles liegt der Channel Islands National Park. Auf diesen „Galapagos-Inseln des Nordens“ leben Tiere und Pflanzen, die es...Amerikas Nationalparks |
Natur+Reisen / Natur und Umwelt |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 05.02. |
15:30 |
Wind Masters Zadar, Nin, Iž, Olib, Silba, Premuda, Molat, Pag Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 06.02. |
06:30 |
Wind Masters Zadar, Nin, Iž, Olib, Silba, Premuda, Molat, Pag Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Comedy Central |
DO 06.02. |
07:55 |
South Park Erntedank und Doku-Drama Nach einer Präsentation von einem 1/16-Indianer namens David Running Horse Sewitski müssen Stan, Kyle, Cartman und Kenny einen Vortrag über Thanksgiving erstellen. Die Gruppe...South Park |
Serie / Zeichentrickserie |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 06.02. |
14:30 |
Wind Masters Zadar, Nin, Iž, Olib, Silba, Premuda, Molat, Pag Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 06.02. |
21:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 06.02. |
22:30 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Grand Prix Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 07.02. |
00:30 |
Wind Masters Zadar, Nin, Iž, Olib, Silba, Premuda, Molat, Pag Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 07.02. |
02:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 07.02. |
09:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 07.02. |
10:30 |
Wind Masters Zadar, Nin, Iž, Olib, Silba, Premuda, Molat, Pag Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 07.02. |
19:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 07.02. |
20:00 |
Dangerous Waters Episode 8 The Dangerous Waters crewmembers will ride an epic adventure like no other on their JetSki. Their world-first adventure is plagued with wildlife, wicked waters, tropical storms...Dangerous Waters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 07.02. |
21:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 07.02. |
21:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 08.02. |
05:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 08.02. |
05:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 08.02. |
07:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 08.02. |
13:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 08.02. |
13:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 08.02. |
16:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 08.02. |
20:00 |
PRADA Cup 2 Week 1 Every match of the PRADA Cup is a one-on-one duel of strategy and tactics, and time is of the essence. The Round Robins will define who will pass directly into the final and who,...PRADA Cup |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 08.02. |
23:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 08.02. |
23:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SO 09.02. |
01:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SO 09.02. |
04:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SO 09.02. |
04:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SO 09.02. |
12:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SO 09.02. |
12:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SO 09.02. |
14:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 10.02. |
02:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 10.02. |
02:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 10.02. |
04:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 10.02. |
10:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 10.02. |
10:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 10.02. |
13:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 10.02. |
19:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 10.02. |
19:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 11.02. |
03:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 11.02. |
08:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 11.02. |
08:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
DI 11.02. |
09:40 |
Amerikas Nationalparks Channel Islands Vor der südkalifornischen Küste, unweit von Los Angeles liegt der Channel Islands National Park. Auf diesen „Galapagos-Inseln des Nordens“ leben Tiere und Pflanzen, die es...Amerikas Nationalparks |
Natur+Reisen / Natur und Umwelt |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 11.02. |
10:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Comedy Central |
DI 11.02. |
12:20 |
South Park Erntedank und Doku-Drama Nach einer Präsentation von einem 1/16-Indianer namens David Running Horse Sewitski müssen Stan, Kyle, Cartman und Kenny einen Vortrag über Thanksgiving erstellen. Die Gruppe...South Park |
Serie / Zeichentrickserie |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 11.02. |
17:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 11.02. |
17:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 11.02. |
18:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 12.02. |
01:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 12.02. |
01:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 12.02. |
05:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 12.02. |
11:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 12.02. |
15:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 12.02. |
15:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 12.02. |
17:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 12.02. |
20:00 |
OFQUI The Isthmus of Ofqui, unknown for many and chosen as surf destination by few adventurers.The stretch of land that separates the Pacific Ocean‘s inland seas, is the only way to...OFQUI |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 13.02. |
00:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 13.02. |
06:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 13.02. |
06:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 13.02. |
12:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sheboygan Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 13.02. |
14:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 13.02. |
14:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 13.02. |
21:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 13.02. |
22:30 |
P1 USA Offshore St Pete Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 14.02. |
00:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 14.02. |
00:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 14.02. |
02:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 14.02. |
09:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 14.02. |
10:00 |
Wind Masters Novalja, NP Plitvička jezera, Rijeka, Opatija Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 14.02. |
10:30 |
Wind Masters Rab, Mali Loinj, Cres Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 14.02. |
19:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 14.02. |
20:00 |
Dangerous Waters Episode 9 The Dangerous Waters crewmembers will ride an epic adventure like no other on their JetSki. Their world-first adventure is plagued with wildlife, wicked waters, tropical storms...Dangerous Waters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 14.02. |
21:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 15.02. |
05:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 15.02. |
07:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
SA 15.02. |
09:50 |
Amerikas Nationalparks Channel Islands Vor der südkalifornischen Küste, unweit von Los Angeles liegt der Channel Islands National Park. Auf diesen „Galapagos-Inseln des Nordens“ leben Tiere und Pflanzen, die es...Amerikas Nationalparks |
Natur+Reisen / Natur und Umwelt |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 15.02. |
13:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 15.02. |
16:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 15.02. |
19:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 15.02. |
23:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SO 16.02. |
01:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SO 16.02. |
03:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SO 16.02. |
04:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SO 16.02. |
12:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SO 16.02. |
13:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SO 16.02. |
14:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 17.02. |
02:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 17.02. |
04:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 17.02. |
05:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 17.02. |
10:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 17.02. |
13:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 17.02. |
14:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 17.02. |
19:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 18.02. |
03:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 18.02. |
08:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 18.02. |
09:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 18.02. |
10:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 18.02. |
15:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 18.02. |
17:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 18.02. |
18:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 18.02. |
23:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 19.02. |
01:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 19.02. |
05:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 19.02. |
06:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 19.02. |
11:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 19.02. |
12:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 19.02. |
15:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 19.02. |
17:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 20.02. |
00:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 20.02. |
02:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 20.02. |
06:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 20.02. |
11:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 20.02. |
12:00 |
P1 USA Offshore Sarasota Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 20.02. |
14:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 20.02. |
18:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 20.02. |
22:30 |
P1 USA Offshore Superstock Review Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 21.02. |
00:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 21.02. |
07:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 21.02. |
10:00 |
Wind Masters NP Brijuni, Rovinj, Poreč, Vrsar, Novigrad Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 21.02. |
17:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 21.02. |
20:00 |
Dangerous Waters Episode 10 The Dangerous Waters crewmembers will ride an epic adventure like no other on their JetSki. Their world-first adventure is plagued with wildlife, wicked waters, tropical storms...Dangerous Waters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 21.02. |
21:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 22.02. |
01:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 22.02. |
05:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 22.02. |
08:00 |
Transat Jacques Vabre Episode 1 Departure In the 2013 edition of the The ‘Transat Jacques Vabre‘ the multihulls and monohulls start at Le Havre and are set to arrive to Itajai in Brazil. For even a shot at victory in...Transat Jacques Vabre |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 22.02. |
13:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SA 22.02. |
23:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SO 23.02. |
04:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
SO 23.02. |
12:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Silverline |
SO 23.02. |
22:35 |
Numb - Leicht daneben Der erfolgreiche Drehbuchautor Hudson stürzt in eine tiefe depressive Persönlichkeitsstörung und ist überzeugt davon, verrückt zu werden. Seine eigenen...Numb - Leicht daneben |
Spielfilm / Tragikomödie |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 24.02. |
02:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 24.02. |
10:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MO 24.02. |
19:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 25.02. |
08:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DI 25.02. |
17:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 26.02. |
01:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 26.02. |
15:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
MI 26.02. |
22:00 |
Untouched Waters In Turkmenistan Welcome to the eastern coast of the Caspian sea. Turkmenistan, Avasa, is known for its desert and not so much for its nautical resort. Nonetheless, Turkmenistan is hosting the PWA...Untouched Waters In Turkmenistan |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 27.02. |
06:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 27.02. |
14:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
DO 27.02. |
22:30 |
P1 USA Offshore Supercat Review Powerboat P1 is an internationally recognised organisation responsible for a number of world-class powerboat and jetski racing competitions.Our race events combine high-speed,...P1 USA Offshore |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 28.02. |
00:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 28.02. |
10:00 |
Wind Masters Dubrovnik, Mljet, Korčula Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 28.02. |
20:00 |
Dangerous Waters Episode 11 The Dangerous Waters crewmembers will ride an epic adventure like no other on their JetSki. Their world-first adventure is plagued with wildlife, wicked waters, tropical storms...Dangerous Waters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 28.02. |
21:00 |
Wind Masters Split, Makarska Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Nautical Channel |
FR 28.02. |
21:30 |
Wind Masters Skradin, Vodice, Tribunj Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep...Wind Masters |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Silverline |
FR 07.03. |
13:25 |
Numb - Leicht daneben Der erfolgreiche Drehbuchautor Hudson stürzt in eine tiefe depressive Persönlichkeitsstörung und ist überzeugt davon, verrückt zu werden. Seine eigenen...Numb - Leicht daneben |
Spielfilm / Tragikomödie |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Silverline |
DI 18.03. |
21:55 |
Numb - Leicht daneben Der erfolgreiche Drehbuchautor Hudson stürzt in eine tiefe depressive Persönlichkeitsstörung und ist überzeugt davon, verrückt zu werden. Seine eigenen...Numb - Leicht daneben |
Spielfilm / Tragikomödie |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Silverline |
MI 19.03. |
03:10 |
Numb - Leicht daneben Der erfolgreiche Drehbuchautor Hudson stürzt in eine tiefe depressive Persönlichkeitsstörung und ist überzeugt davon, verrückt zu werden. Seine eigenen...Numb - Leicht daneben |
Spielfilm / Tragikomödie |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Comedy Central |
DO 20.03. |
17:15 |
South Park Erntedank und Doku-Drama Nach einer Präsentation von einem 1/16-Indianer namens David Running Horse Sewitski müssen Stan, Kyle, Cartman und Kenny einen Vortrag über Thanksgiving erstellen. Die Gruppe...South Park |
Serie / Zeichentrickserie |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Comedy Central |
FR 21.03. |
07:55 |
South Park Erntedank und Doku-Drama Nach einer Präsentation von einem 1/16-Indianer namens David Running Horse Sewitski müssen Stan, Kyle, Cartman und Kenny einen Vortrag über Thanksgiving erstellen. Die Gruppe...South Park |
Serie / Zeichentrickserie |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Comedy Central |
MO 24.03. |
07:05 |
South Park Erntedank und Doku-Drama Nach einer Präsentation von einem 1/16-Indianer namens David Running Horse Sewitski müssen Stan, Kyle, Cartman und Kenny einen Vortrag über Thanksgiving erstellen. Die Gruppe...South Park |
Serie / Zeichentrickserie |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |
Comedy Central |
DO 27.03. |
11:55 |
South Park Erntedank und Doku-Drama Nach einer Präsentation von einem 1/16-Indianer namens David Running Horse Sewitski müssen Stan, Kyle, Cartman und Kenny einen Vortrag über Thanksgiving erstellen. Die Gruppe...South Park |
Serie / Zeichentrickserie |
Sendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen |