Postcards from Paros

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    Welcome to Paros, one of the islands in the Aegean Sea nestled between the Cyclades. Word spreads fast that Paros is one of the trendiest and most diverse islands in Greece, so we will be discovering more about this island‘s history, culture and nautical destinations.Discover Paros flavours and visit the environmental and cultural part of Pars, protected for its indigenous fauna and flora, its positions in history and, of course, its marvellous beaches.
    Send Postcards from Paros, a pearl in the Aegean Sea worth discovering.


    10 weitere Sendetermine

    Top-Spielfilm am 18.03.


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    22:10:Kabel1 The Expendables 3 - A Man‘s Job

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    Kabel1, 22:10-00:35 Uhr

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    The Expendables 3 - A Man‘s Job

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