Meet The Press

USA, 2025
bis 18:00
  • Breitwand-Format 16:9
  • HDTV
  • 20250323170000
VPS 00:00



    „Meet the Press“ is America‘s most-watched and No. 1 Sunday morning public affairs broadcast. Every Sunday morning for more than 70 years, millions of Americans have tuned in to get answers from U.S. and world leaders, and to hear analysis, discussion and review of the week‘s political events from noted journalists and experts.
    Acclaimed by conservatives and liberals, newsmakers and television critics, „Meet the Press“ consistently makes Monday morning headlines and has become the most-quoted television program in the world.„Meet The Press“ is America‘s most-watched and No. 1 Sunday morning public affairs broadcast. Every Sunday morning for more than 70 years, millions of Americans have tuned in to get answers from U.S. and world leaders, and to hear analysis, discussion and review of the week‘s political events from noted journalists and experts. Acclaimed by conservatives and liberals, newsmakers and television critics, „Meet The Press“ consistently makes Monday morning headlines and has become the most-quoted television program in the world.


    Moderator:Kristen Welker

    10 weitere Sendetermine

    Top-Spielfilm am 23.03.


    arte 13:20: Die Akte

    13:20:arte Die Akte

    The Pelican Brief, USA 1993

    arte, 13:20-15:35 Uhr

    Nachdem ein Attentäter namens Khamel zwei Richter des Obersten Gerichtshofs, Jensen und Rosenberg, ermordet hat, schreibt die Jurastudentin Darby Shaw einen Aufsatz, in dem sie ihre Theorie zu den Hintergründen der Tat darlegt. Über ihren Freund, Professor Callahan, gelangt die Theorie an das FBI. Der Investigativjournalist Gray Grantham will ihre Geschichte, alle anderen wollen sie tot sehen...
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