Atlantologist Josh Sigurdson bought this artifact from a nomad when he visited the Richat Structure. (National Geographic/Karga Seven Pictures)
Host Sam Sheridan is searching for any evidence that the fleets from Atlantis used to be in this area. (National Geographic/Karga Seven Pictures)
Geologist Eric Drummond and Host Sam Sheridan are analyzing an area on the coast that looks like it was enhanced by human activity, and could have housed Atlantis' fleet. (National Geographic/Karga Seven Pictures)
Scientist Sebastian Huebner has pinpointed the area he believes Atlantis used to be. (National Geographic/Karga Seven Pictures)
Host Sam Sheridan is talking to Josh Sigurdson, an Atlantologist, about his trip to the Richat Structure. (National Geographic/Karga Seven Pictures)
Geologist Eric Drummond has brought in a drill rig to get some soil samples from eight feet below the ground. He is hoping this will prove there used to be water in this area, possibly proving this used to be Atlantis. (National Geographic/Karga Seven Pictures)
Host Sam Sheridan is watching the Berber's prepare for the celebratory ritual they are about to perform. (National Geographic/Karga Seven Pictures)
Host Sam Sheridan is exploring the Azores, the place Atlantis is rumored to have once been. (National Geographic/Karga Seven Pictures)